xNURBS’s ground breaking NURBS technique has unlimited capacities for solving NURBS and generating high-quality surfaces based on energy-minimization method. For more information, visit https://www.xnurbs.com

Key Features:

  • Unlimited capacities for solving NURBS: Its optimization algorithm can solve virtually any NURBS surface in a matter of milliseconds (regardless of how complex the constraints are).
  • High-quality surfaces: Its optimization algorithm uses energy-minimization method to generate the smoothest NURBS surfaces that satisfy all the inputted constraints.
  • xNURBS is one super powerful NURBS tool that fixes virtually all surfacing issues for existing CAD software.
  • Easy-to-use: It uses one simple UI for all kinds of NURBS modeling.
  • Super robust: XNurbs is rock solid and works flawlessly.
  • Native CAD surfaces: xNURBS is based on NURBS, i.e., the native CAD surfaces, which can be directly used for any CAD modeling operations without any geometry translation.
  • Fully support editing and rebuilding.

xNURBS Rhino Plugin V5.2 is available and existing xNURBS V4.X/V5.X users get a free update to V5.2.

xNURBS Rhino Plugin is currently available in English, German and Japanese. Please visit xnurbs.com/download/ to download different language versions.

From V5.0, xNURBS exports a set of APIs so that users can run xNURBS inside the code they develop or run XNurbs without showing the xNURBS UI. The API package includes the C/C++ APIs and the .NET APIs (i.e., RhinoCommon, Rhino.Python, and Grasshopper). The APIs are a subset of the fully-fledged APIs from XN Kernel.